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Training Courses


Thank you for your enquiry about training as a Trigger Point Pilates Instructor.

All Courses are now ONLINE. Please Scroll Down to see the Training Dates and Times.

Courses / Workshops / Master Classes are listed in date order. I hope that there is something there to help you and your business. The training enables you to teach this fantastic proven releasing and realigning bodywork system as a Trigger Point Pilates® Teacher.

General Information on Courses

The workshop will give you an insight to how TPP exercises help with Somatic health and a class format to use with your own class.
A home study workbook will be sent to you before the workshop which you can download and print off to add notes to.
The workshop will be filmed and in a Facebook Catch-Up group for you to access. Many people want to be able to relax, be mindful, meditate but find it is impossible due to imbalance in our nervous systems and conditioning from childhood. TPP is definitely an outlet for change with our somatic movement.

Train on Zoom to teach Trigger Point Pilates™ Instructor Mat Work.

Online Mat Work Training:

Saturday 11th January at 13:00 and
Sunday 12th January at 13:30, 2025

£260 (Early Bird £245)

Train to teach Trigger Point Pilates™ – A Pilates based Myofascia Trigger Point body work system. Train to become a TPP instructor teach the only proven fascia restorative class around. TPP enhances movement, aligns, strengthens eases chronic myofascial pain to post rehab mobility. Taught in blocks of 4 hrs by Zoom and home study E-Manual with 18 videos.
Once you book you will have access to the E-Manual to study before the zoom sessions. After completing the course you have a free month in the TPP Pro Membership group with classes to use, for mini workshops and Fascia education.

Train in the UPDATED Trigger Point Pilates Matwork with videos & TPP Licence with 18 videos linked to the E-Manual. No monthly licence. Also an ongoing support group.

Booking link

‘The One’ Trigger Point Pilates Fascia Day

Body Restore Sessions:
Saturday October 14th, 2023 Stevenage SG2 0AN

10:00 – 16:00

£65 full day pass

(£48 early bird until Sept 30th.)

for TPP Sessions & Workshop

Come for a day of TPP sessions with Lydia Campbell and the team . Experience classes that you can teach to your TPP clients.
Your class clients often come with chronic conditions, and waiting for physiotherapy or have had physio. They are looking at you to help them have a functional life. Discover TPP exercises that are Physio based to do on mat, the wall, and in chair to the floor.

Plus Lunchtime workshop for reducing your clients’ anxiety and chronic pain – the New TPP Love Me series 2. A workshop where we focus on lymphatics, movement, self-touch and breathing, to move blocks we hold in our bodies and neuro fascia exercises to shift our brain-hold patterns that you can apply in your classes.

TPP equipment will be used in the training. Online e-workbook provided for your note taking.

Marriots Sports Centre, Marriots School, Telford Ave, Stevenage. SG2 0AN

Booking link 

TPP HOTTIES W/S Learn two class formats for Orthopaedics, Raynards, Feet and Legs!


Saturday January 18th at 12:30 and
Sunday January 19th at 14:30
in two 2 hour training blocks.

TPP workshop Hotties parts 1 and 2

Price: £65.00

(Includes Catch Up on the workshop)

Do not lose clients in the cold even if teaching in a studio or on zoom. Train in TPP hotties class formats to keep your clients mobile and reduce inflammation and chronic pain conditions.

Booking link 

Feedback from Our Courses …