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TPP Classes

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We have instructors in over 5 countries teaching classes including: England, Scotland, Wales, Spain, Iceland and South Africa.

Lydia Campbell is the creator and director of Trigger Point Pilates. When not training instructors, she teaches TPP classes in West London at the Riverside Health & Racquets Club and in Kew. Her clinical Myofascial Release and Women’s Health clinic is based at Bodies Under Construction Physio, at The Riverside Health & Racquets Club in Chiswick, London W4.


Alison Green TPP Orthopaedics Hips & Knees
April Drackfordaprildrackford1@gmail.comTPP Orthopaedics Hips & Knees
Faye Blissfayea.bliss@gmail.comTPP SHHH! /
HowellKathTPP BodyRestore /
ArgyllArdrishaig Parish Church Hall / Whitehouse Village HallJacqui Barker+44 (0)7919
BedfordshireAmpthillCaroline Ash+44 (0)7737 332920carolineash_@hotmail.comTPP Matwork / Orthopaedic Back and Neck / Post REHAB / Let's Vibrate / SHHH! / TPP Body Restore / TPP Barre 'N' Balls /
BedfordshireDunstableGeorgina Flitton+44 (0)7846 Matwork / TPP Body Restore and Matwork Sequencing / TPP Orthopaedics Hips & Knees
BedfordshireDunstableLauren Ash+44 (0)7427 182218laurenhollieash@outlook.comTPP Barre 'N' Balls
BedfordshireLeighton BuzzardLisa Allenlmahealthandfitness@yahoo.comTPP SHHH / Women's Health
BedfordshireLucy Emertoninfo@balancefitt.comTPP BodyRestore /
BedfordshireTotternhoeVanessa Haywood Deeksvanessa@deeks.netTPP Matwork
BedfordshireDunstableZoe Robertszlroberts22@gmail.comTPP Matwork
BerkshireReadingClaire SHHH! /
BerkshireDebbie Matwork 1 /
BerkshireSandhurst/ Crowthorne/ WokinghamTina Eden+44 (0)7540 187807tinaedenpilates@gmail.comTPP Matwork/ Let's Vibrate / TPP BodyRestore
BristolKaren BodyRestore /
BristolCentralLucy Eyre-lucyeyrefitness@gmail.comTPP Matwork/ Orthopaedics Back / TPP BodyRestore /
BristolLucy Loquettelucy@lucyloquette.comTPP Matwork
BristolNina Taylorninaetaylor@hotmail.comTPP Matwork
BristolKnowle, TotterdownPetra Lewis+44 (0)7951 933698petralewis@gmail.comTPP Matwork
BuckinghamshireAlyson Campcampee@ntlworld.comTPP Matwork / Orthopaedics Hips, Knees, Backs & Necks
BuckinghamshireMilton Keynes, Hanslope SchoolBridgette Bishop+44 (0)7816 125863bishbe@gmail.comTPP Matwork/ Orthopaedic Back/ Knee/ Hips/ Neck/ Post REHAB/ Chair TPP / TPP BodyRestore /
BuckinghamshireHoughton Regis Debbie Knottdebbie97@hotmail.comTPP SHHH / Women's Health
BuckinghamshireMilton Keynes - Stony StratfordFlavia Di Tomassi+44 (0)7446 639824hello@happydemic.lifeTPP Matwork / SHHH!
BuckinghamshireAylesburyFrancesca Gerransfrangerrans@sky.comTPP Orthopaedics Hips & Knees / Women's Health
BuckinghamshireGrenville School, BuckinghamJoanne Tyrrell+44 (0)7851 Matwork
BuckinghamshireMilton KeynesJulia Berg+44 (0)7779 SHHH / Barre N Balls / Women's Health
BuckinghamshireHaddenham / ElyLiz SHHH! / Orthopaedics Hips, Knees, Backs & Necks / TPP Evolve
BuckinghamshireMilton KeynesLorraine Matwork 1 / TPP SHHH Women's Health
BuckinghamshireNichola Stylii-Roussounickyroussou@yahoo.comTPP SHHH / Women's Health
CambridgeshireHolywell St IvesGaynor Matwork 1 / TPP Evolve
CambridgeshireHuntingdonHelen Decker+44 (0)7980 940366helenvandecker@hotmail.comTPP Matwork/ Orthopaedic Back and Neck, Knee and Hips, TPP Restore
CambridgeshireSt IvesJudith Barrass+44 (0)7736 085522judithbarrass@outlook.comTPP Matwork, TPP 1:1 classes
CambridgeshireSomersham / St IvesMel Batterbee+44 (0)7786 927026pilateswithmelb@gmail.comTPP Matwork
CheshireCreweClare Tamstamsy0011@gmail.comTPP Matwork, BodyRestore, Let's Vibrate, Orthopaedic Hips and Knees
CheshireCreweLynne Scottcw2pol@aol.comTPP Matwork
CheshireTara Fraserdivafituk@gmail.comTPP Matwork / TPP SHHH! / TPP BodyRestore /
CornwallSt IvesNicola Guitartjordiguitart@virginmedia.comTPP Matwork 1 /
CroydonSandersteadColeen Fyfe+44 (0)7887 848810coleen@thisislivingpilates.comTPP Matwork
Cumbria SouthMilnthorpeSam Horton+44 (0)7886 Matwork / Level 2 Post REHAB and Sequence / Bodyrestore
Cumbria SouthUlverstonSeonag Porter +44 (0)5777 960973seonagwellnessfactor@gmail.comTPP Barre 'n' Balls / TPP SHHH / TPP Matwork, Comprehensive Pilates,
Pilates Mat, Pre/Post Natal Pilates Specialist
DerbySomercotes, AlfretonDominique Parlattsillydommy@gmail.comTPP Matwork
DerbyshireCheryl Matwork
DerbyshireJennifer Matwork
DorsetSherborneLucy Pollardlucy.pollard@live.comTPP Matwork levels 1 & 2, Orthopaedic Hips and Knees
Dorset/SomersetSherborne/ YeovilDebbie
DumfriesshireAnnie Kyleakyle1@talk21.comTPP Matwork 1 /
EdinburghLeithJoanna Matwork/ Trigger Point Pilates Level 2/ Post REHAB and Sequencing SHHH!
EssexIngatestoneCarol Taylorcarolntaylor@sky.comTPP Matwork
EssexJane Matwork
EssexBrentwood CentreKelly Spiers+44 (0)7969 Matwork / SHHH!
EssexBrentwood Pilates ExclusiveNicole Smallnicole.small77@gmail.comTPP Matwork, TPP Evolve, TPP Orthopaedics backs and necks
EssexSonia Wickhamsonia.wickhamcorepilates@yahoo.comTPP SHHH / Women's Health
EssexBrentwoodVicky Whymarkboutiquefitbiz@gmail.comTPP Matwork
FifeGlenrothes / Milton of BalgonieLesley Cochrane+44 (0)7841 261390lesngreig@hotmail.comTPP Matwork / Orthopaedic Back and Neck / Post REHAB/ Chair TPP /
GlasgowGlasgowErin Kyleerinkyle1980@gmail.comTPP Orthopaedics backs and necks
GlasgowGlasgowPamela Matwork 1 / TPP Evolve
GlasgowRønnaug Smith+44 (0)7813 843539happy.back.glasgow@gmail.comTPP Matwork / TPP Post REHAB / Women's Health / Let's Vibrate / TPP Chair/
GloucestershireEsther Franshamesther@estherf.comTPP SHHH! /
GloucestershireHelen Barre 'N' Balls
Greater ManchesterOldhamAdele Fraser+44 (0)7970 773537abf1@btinternet.comTPP BodyRestore /
Greater ManchesterMossleyAlex Thomas+44 (0)7545 269987alex@peakpilates.lifeTPP SHHH!
Greater ManchesterStockportAmanda Holdingmail@amandaholdingfitness.comTPP BodyRestore / TPP Evolve
Greater ManchesterRochdaleDeborah Matwork / SHHH! / TPP BodyRestore /
Greater ManchesterWiganDeborah Leighdebsnfitness@aol.comTPP Matwork
Greater ManchesterWilmslow/ BramhallJo Brown+44 (0)7835 481050jobrown.tpp@gmail.comTPP BodyRestore /
Greater ManchesterRhodesJoanna Matwork
Greater ManchesterMarple, StockportJulie Cross+44 (0)7776 474181jules.cross67@gmail.comTPP Matwork / Orthopaedic Back, Knee, Hip, Necks/ Post REHAB/ Chair TPP/ TPP Women's Health/ Let's Vibrate / SHHH! / TPP BodyRestore / TPP Evolve
Greater ManchesterSwinton, SalfordKevin Edwards+44 (0)7506 Matwork / Let's Vibrate /
Greater ManchesterDelphNicky Evolve
Greater ManchesterCheadleRebecca Matwork 1 /
Greater ManchesterStockportSarah Parker+44 (0)7944 781630http://www.sarahparkerfitness.comTPP Matwork / BodyRestore / SHHH! /
Greater ManchesterHydeSarah Patterson+44 (0)7771 984764sarahcresswell@hotmail.comTPP Matwork / BodyRestore / SHHH! /
Greater ManchesterCheadleWendy Davies+44 (0)7759 331266wendydaviesfitness@gmail.comTPP BodyRestore /
HampshireTadleyAli Allaston+44 (0)7734 108733alisfitnesspilates@icloud.comTPP Matwork / TPP Body Restore /
HampshireKerry Lagdenkerry.lagden@yahoo.comTPP Matwork
HertfordshireRoystonAmanda Barre 'N' Balls
HertfordshireMeldreth, RoystonEileen Dixon+44 (0)7966 222272eileensaerobics@hotmail.comTPP Matwork / Orthopaedic Back, Knee, Hip and Neck / SHHH! / TPP Barre 'N' Balls
HertfordshireBuntingfordIrene Gibson+44 (0)7802 418755gibbo223@icloud.comTPP Matwork / Orthopaedic Back / Knee, Hip, Neck / SHHH! / Barre 'n' Balls
HertfordshireChapmore EndJane Baileyjane.ebailey@btinternet.comTPP Matwork/ Orthopaedic Back / Knee, Hip, Neck /
HertfordshireStevenageMel Townend+44 (0)7900 Matwork
HertfordshireHitchinNesta Shephard+44 (0)7738 277788nesta@nestashephardfitness.comTPP Matwork
HertfordshireWelwyn Garden City, Herts Dance and Fitness StudioStacey Sneddonstaceysneddon@gmail.comTPP Matwork
HertfordshireTracy Bamforthtracybamforth1@hotmail.comTPP Matwork 1 /
IcelandReebok Club, ReykjavikGuony Jona PorsdottirTPP Matwork / Let's Vibrate /
IcelandReykjavikGuoriour TorfadottirTPP Matwork / Let's Vibrate /
InvernessInvernessLesley Evolve
KentDartford, Sutton-at-Hone, South DarenthFrances Ware+44 (0)7921 Matwork/ Orthopaedic Backs, Knees/ Hips/ Necks
KentDealHazel Fosterhazelfoster38@yahoo.comTPP Matwork / SHHH! /
LancashireThornton-CleveleysEleanor Silcockblackpool71@gmail.comTPP Matwork, BodyRestore, Orthopaedic Back, Neck, Hip, Knee and Let's Vibrate / Barre 'n' Balls / TPP Evolve
LancashirePoulton-le-FyldeEmma Matwork/ Level 1&2/ Women's Health/ TPP BodyRestore
LancashireFleetwood/ Thornton-Cleveleys/ Poulton-le-FyldeHelen Sanderson+44 (0)7534 162345helensanderson62@yahoo.comTPP Matwork Level 1 & 2/ Orthopaedic Knee/ Hip / TPP Evolve
LancashireCrostonJane Phythianjanephythian@btinternet.comTPP Matwork
LancashireBlackpoolJulie Evansjulievns61@googlemail.comTPP Matwork
LancashirePrestonJulie RidingTPP Barre 'n' Balls /
LancashirePreston / CleveleysKaren Pollard+44 (0)7790 924632kcpollard02@hotmail.comTPP Matwork / Orthopaedic Knee and Hip / TPP Women's Health / TPP BodyRestore / TPP Evolve
LancashirePrestonLisa Richardsonlasartac@gmail.comTPP Matwork
LancashireLucie Marshlucie.a.marsh@gmail.comTPP Barre 'n' Balls /
LancashireBlackpool/ St Anne's-on-SeaLynda Holmes+44 (0)7533 Matwork Level 1 & 2 / Orthopaedics Back, Knees, Hips, Neck / Rehab Chair / TPP / TPP Women's Health / Let's Vibrate Pulseroll / TPP SHHH! / TPP BodyRestore / TPP Evolve
LancashireBlackpoolMichelle Matwork
LancashireRuth Gibbonsruthshep2@hotmail.comTPP Matwork 1 /
LancashirePrestonStella Sansomneonwarriorfitness@aol.comTPP Evolve
LancashireBlackpoolSue BodyRestore /
LancashirePoulton-le-Fylde, Bispham, BlackpoolSusan Pilkington-Davies+44 (0)7860 273782suzepd01@gmail.comTrigger Point Instructor / Orthopaedic Neck, Back, Knees, Hips / TPP BodyRestore /
LancashireTarletonVictoria Blockleyvbpilatesinstructor@gmail.comTPP Matwork
LancashireBlackpoolWendy Barrattwhfstudio@gmail.comTPP BodyRestore /
LancashireRossendaleWendy Collinswencol53@msn.comTPP Barre 'n' Balls /
LanzaroteClub la SantaLydia Campbell+44 (0)7956 645741lydia@fitcamps.comTPP Matwork/ Orthopaedics Backs/ Knees/ Hips/ Necks/ Post & Anti Natel/ Post REHAB/ Chair TPP/ PT TPP/ TPP Women's Health/ Let's Vibrate/ Clinic Work
LeedsMeanwoodLouise Loweryembodypilatesleeds@gmail.comTPP Matwork
LeicestershireLoughboroughSam Barre N Balls
LeicestershireVanessa Robins-Tyersvrtyers1@aol.comTPP Matwork 1 / Orthopaedics Back, Necks, Hips & Knees / TPP SHHH!
LiverpoolLiverpoolMandy Matwork 1 /
LondonMortlakeBemore Studios+44 (0)20 3642 6444TPP Matwork
LondonChiswickCristina Vilcu+44 (0)7404 750188cvilcu91@gmail.comTPP Matwork/ SHHH!
LondonBelvedereEmma Pearsonemmapearson115@virginmedia.comTPP Matwork
LondonShepherd's BushFarideh Kazemzadehfar165@yahoo.comTPP Matwork
LondonMortlakeHannah McCleanstillbutton76@gmail.comTPP Barre N Balls
LondonJan Rickettsjehanricketts@outlook.comTPP Matwork
LondonSunbury-on-ThamesJoanna Sinnottjo@joannasinnott.comTPP Barre N Balls
LondonKew/ Chiswick/ HounslowLydia Campbell Director of Trigger Point Pilates and FitCamps+44(0)7956645741lydia@fitcamps.comTPP Matwork/ Orthopaedic Back/ Knees/ Hips/ Neck/ Post & Anti Natel/ Post REHAB/ Chair TPP/ PT TPP/ TPP Women's Health/ Let's Vibrate/ Clinic Work
LondonMortlakeSophie Burnham+44 (0)7884 181354 TPP Matwork
LondonHammersmithVanessa Declercqvanessadeclercq@btinternet.comTPP Barre N Balls
London E6BecktonKaren Webb-Greenkaren@fit2relax.londonTPP SHHH / Orthopaedics Hips & Knees / Women's Health
LondonBexleyheathAlison Gonzalez+44(0) Matwork, TPP Desk Workout, TPP Shhh!, TPP Evolve
London EastSesame SHHH!
London South EastBeckenhamTeresa Wall+44 (0)7967 964548teresa@sheshinespilates.comTrigger Point Level 1 and 2
ManchesterPrestwichJess Sweeney+44 (0)7846
ManchesterBamfordKimberley Matwork
NetherlandsThe HagueVivienne Riedlinvmriedlin@t-online.deTPP Orthopaedics backs and necks
Newcastle Gateshead, Infinity Fitness Gym Charmaine Ho+44 (0)1914 Orthopaedics backs and necks
NewcastleNicci Donnelly+44 (0)7814 Matwork, Pre & Post Natal, 1-2-1 sessions and small group training
NorfolkHunstantonSarah SHHH!
North LincolnshireScunthorpeJenny Fieldingjennyfielding5@gmail.comTPP Matwork 1 /
North WalesAbergele, Prestatyn, Rhyl, Dyserth, St Asaph, DenbighDavid Earnshaw+44 (0)7986 782189daviddce@aol.comTPP Matwork / BodyRestore / TPP Body Release
North WalesFlintshireGaynor Matwork 1 / TPP Evolve
NorthamptonshireWoottonAnn Howgego+44 (0)7778 / Level 1 & 2 / Let's Vibrate / TPP BodyRestore /
NorthamptonshireHartwell/NorthamptonBridgette Bishop+44 (0)7816 125863bishbe@gmail.comTPP Barre 'N' Balls/ TPP SHHH - Women's Health
Northamptonshire Burton LatimerGemma Byrongemk_00@hotmail.comTPP Orthopaedics Hips & Knees
NorthamptonshireHigham FerrersKaren Watson+44 (0)7789 773310powerhouse-pilates@hotmail.comTPP Matwork / TPP BodyRestore /
NottinghamshireNottinghamLiz Dougalllizdougall@hotmail.comTPP Matwork 1 /
OxfordshireWheatleyAli Greenalisongreen35@outlook.comTPP SHHH! / TPP Barre 'N' Balls
OxfordshireOxonLivinia Cowell-Sherriffcowell-sherriff@hotmail.comOrthopaedics Hips and Knees/ TPP Matwork / TPP SHHH!
OxfordshireLouise Barre 'N' Balls
RenfrewshirePaisleyAlexis Holmesalexisrigby@hotmail.comTPP Matwork / SHHH! / TPP BodyRestore / TPP Evolve
ShrewsburyBeth Gardnermindbodyhealth06@aol.comTPP Matwork / TPP Barre 'n' Balls
ShropshireElizabeth Gardnermindbodyhealth06@aol.comTPP SHHH! / TPP BodyRestore /
ShropshireBridgnorthGill Callangangillcallanghan@icloud.comTPP Barre 'n' Balls /
SomersetLisa Dollerylisadollerypilates@gmail.comTPP BodyRestore / TPP Evolve
SomersetYeovilRachel Cozens+44 (0)7855 433453fitandfun4life@outlook.comTPP Matwork Level 1, Orthopaedic Knees and Hips / TPP BodyRestore /
SomersetWellsSally-Ann Framptonsallyannframpton@gmail.comTPP Matwork / TPP BodyRestore /
South AfricaCape TownLydia Hannanceri@wildfitness.comTPP SHHH! / TPP BodyRestore /
South WalesBarryEmma Gholamhosseinemmagholamhossein@hotmail.comTPP Matwork / Post Rehab / TPP SHHH!
SpainPeni Howepenihowees@gmail.comTPP SHHH! / TPP BodyRestore /
Spain, Mojacar Hotel PuntazoAlison Bramwell+34 (00)666 273 168getfitmojacar@gmail.comTPP BodyRestore /
StaffordshireStoke-on-TrentWendy Davies+44 (0)7759 331266Wendydaviesfitness@gmail.comTPP BodyRestore /
SuffolkAlison Evolve
SuffolkLowestoftHelen Pybus+44 (0)7814 651740info@helenpybus.comTPP Matwork Level 1 & 2/ Pulseroll/ Let's Vibrate
Carlton Colville Methodist Church
Sarah-Jane Smith+44 (0)7977 309920sjcompletebody@gmail.comMatwork
SurreySheppertonViviane Hips and Knees, TPP Matwork
Sussex EastBrighton, Woodingdean/Rottingdean/WestdeneAndy Payne+44 (0)7713 Matwork
Sussex WestCrawley/ LancingVicky Haworth+44 (0)7941 Orthopaedics backs and necks / TPP SHHH!
WalesConwyJan Smithpilatesbody4u@hotmail.comTPP BodyRestore /
WarwickshireAlison Marcuse-Harrisalisonandharry@aol.comTPP SHHH!
West YorkshireSowerby BridgeKatie Barre 'n' Balls /
WirralHoylakeAmanda Fryer-Harris+44 (0)7734 Matwork
WirralDebi Armstrong+44 (0)7956 899828debi.armstrong@sky.comTPP Matwork/ Orthopaedic Hips & Knees / TPP BodyRestore /
Wokingham, Berkshire WoosehillManya Michailidis+44 (0)7856
YorkshireLeedsClare Tamstamsy0011@gmail.comTPP Matwork, BodyRestore, Let's Vibrate , Orthopaedics Hips and Knees
YorkshireFulford, YorkNatalie Chambersnataliechambers2004@gmail.comTPP Matwork
Yorkshire NorthSelby Wellness Clinic, 30a Gowthorpe, Selby YO8 4ETAlison Walker+44 (0)7966 578216alisonwalker961@btinternet.comTPP Matwork 
Yorkshire SouthMexboroughClaire Cookclairecooke@virginmedia.comTPP Matwork
Yorkshire SouthMexboroughJulie Jonesjulieparksjones65@gmail.comTPP Matwork
Yorkshire SouthTracy Moulsdentracy.moulson@btinternet.comTPP BodyRestore /
Yorkshire WestWakefieldCarol Denton+44(0)
Yorkshire WestWakefieldLucy Haywardlucy.haywardfreelance@gmail.comTPP Matwork
Yorkshire WestWakefieldNatalie Greennat_green_2000@hotmail.comTPP Matwork
Yorkshire WestSilsden / ColneTracy Edmondson+44(0) 7773785904t.edmondson@me.comTPP Matwork / Level 2 / Post Rehab and Sequence